Nedenfor forefindes skolens forskellige politikker Dokumenter Antimobbestrategi 20230327 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Elevfravær princip 20230228 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Forældreaftaler princip 20241028 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Inklusion princip 20210531 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Kerneopgave vision og grundprincipper 20210525 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Klassedannelse princip 20210531 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Kostpolitik SB270524.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Lejrskole princip 20241202 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Meddelelsesbog SB 20230925_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Samarbejde forældre og medarbejdere princip SB 20241028.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Skærmpolitik 20241202 SB_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Sponsoreringspolitik 20240226 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Teamdannelse princip 20210531 SB.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Trafikpolitik SB300924.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.